
Investment Perspective - Americas Overview

A focus on the Americas Investment Market in the Post-Covid Era

Investment Perspectives: Americas Overview

In recent quarters, macro conditions have fallen into step across the Americas to a degree seldom seen within the region. Inflation has settled in the 3 to 4% range in most countries (a high figure for the U.S. and Canada, moderate for Mexico and Brazil) while interest rates have remained high relative to pre-COVID benchmarks. Both job and economic growth have been impressively strong and consistent (with the exception of Canada’s relatively sluggish GDP figures). This macro conformity suggests a common outlook across the region, with inflation and growth spurring commercial real estate demand and interest rates potentially holding back supply.

Read the Americas Overview

By: Ryan McCullough
Head of Americas Research

Cap rate spreads over Treasuries remained tight, but tighter spreads may prove sustainable in a higher interest rate environment.

Ryan McCullough, Head of Americas Research

Within the U.S., market dynamics have transitioned from a COVID-dominated landscape to a post-COVID environment in which demographic and technological trends have become predominant.

Learn more about the outlook for the Americas investment market.

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