Operating expertise essential for delivering core-plus returns in European real estate

Hines European Property Partners Fund Manager Jorge Duarte discusses European real estate investing with IREI

Real Estate Sector Insights

Real Estate Sector Insights

There are interesting opportunities across all sectors and risk profiles today. We believe the living and logistics sectors have much stronger tailwinds than the other sectors, so we’ve been a lot more focused on these two, particularly for the core-plus fund.

We do a lot of work with our research team to determine where we expect to see stronger rental growth during the next five years. It’s certainly in the living and logistics sectors, but we are also feeling a bit more positive now about retail than we were maybe 12 or 24 months ago.

According to Hines research, the retail sector is forecast to be one of the best-performing sectors during the next five years. There are still some downside risks, particularly when you look at forecasts for e-commerce growth and online spending, but it’s certainly the sector where we’ve seen the biggest correction, both in terms of capital markets and rental correction.

Read the full interview with Jorge Duarte on the current conditions in the European real estate market.

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Operating expertise essential for delivering core-plus returns in European real estate

Jorge Duarte
Fund Manager
Hines European Property Partners

Read the full interview in IREI Americas

The excerpt above originally appeared from HEPP Fund Manager Jorge Duarte's interview with IREI Americas.


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