Self-storage is a small but high-performing sector

Learn how self-storage can fit into a diversified portfolio


Self-storage is a relatively new asset type in the world of institutional investment and still represents a small piece of the overall institutional investment universe. Self-storage data became available in the NCREIF database beginning in 3Q2002.

At the beginning of the data, four self-storage properties worth $183 million accounted for the dataset. But that has grown steadily over time—likely as a result of its impressive performance—and as of 4Q2023, there are 1,090 self-storage properties worth $23.6 billion in the NCREIF database.

While it has emerged into a mature asset class in the US over the past 20 years, self-storage is in its infancy in other parts of the world, including Europe, where the amount of self-storage per capita is a fraction of that in the US.

Want to learn more about how self-storage can fit into a diversified portfolio?

Self-storage is a small but high-performing sector

Joshua Scoville
Head of Global Research

Read the full piece in
PREA Quarterly

Read insights from Josh Scoville and Erik Thomas of Hines Research on how self-storage presents a compelling risk-adjusted return.

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This article originally appeared in PREA Quarterly’s Spring 2024 edition


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