A new era in retail

A New Era in Retail

Right Sizing to a New Demand Reality

A New Era in Retail

Starting in the second half of 2017, the retail sector experienced a steep drop in demand in the face of rapid growth in e-commerce activity. This moment marked the beginning of a structural downward shift in the sector in which U.S. retail NOI slowed to 0% or lower—with prices following suit.

Key Takeaway

There’s evidence that the global retail sector has entered a new era in which it has found its footing after years of disruption.

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Retail had already endured significant disruption due to the Great Financial Crisis (GFC), in which demand for U.S. retail space dropped significantly. The sector also endured simultaneous shocks from both the growing popularity of e-commerce as well as impacts from COVID. The resulting drop in supply from these forces has translated into historic lows in vacancy rates in the U.S.

Further explore how the retail sector has entered a new era.

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