The potential investment opportunity

The Potential Investment Opportunity

The Potential Investment Opportunity

Overall, U.S. retail fundamentals have experienced a recovery to above-average levels after years of structural headwinds. Meanwhile, Asia remains in the midst of a continuing recovery, now almost equaling the U.S. in average regional retail fundamental performance. Europe has lagged, but it’s worth noting that this data is limited to “High Street,"1 a sub-type that had been hit by lower foot traffic in many European downtown submarkets.

1The European retail market is comprised of various subtypes similar to the categories of the U.S., but with an additional sub-type called “High Street.” This category includes smaller shops, usually on busy shopping streets which may offer luxury items for tourists as well as local shoppers.

Key Takeaway

Our research finds that for some retail sub-types, NOI growth has been tracking upwards, but prices have moved in the opposite direction. This could translate into a positive investment thesis based on an implied mispricing for the right locations and sub-types.

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We believe this is an investment thesis that applies across all three regions. In both Europe and Asia—where NOI data is not as reliable as in the U.S.—the trajectory of rent growth underlines a similar story of deterioration followed by recovery.

Learn what retail opportunities appear most attractive.

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